Edit: It is now 2/9/2021 and just shy of 1.5 years since I started this page and the Clan. I just looked over this page and noticed how much has changed in a year and a half. My main account is now a max TH 13, with the TH 14 update just a few months away. The rest of the accounts have also gone up a few TH levels. The brand new account of DPSmitty (created 10/28/2019) is already a maxed TH 10. A year and a half ago, I was thinking I’d maybe get it to TH 7 or 8 and be done with it. So, for now, I am just doing this update to say A LOT has happened in a year and a half.
I will update this page and the rest of the site as soon as possible. The one thing that really didn’t happen at all in the last year and a half was this website. I was really hoping to have the time to make this into a fairly large site with a ton of information on it. I had two other sites that really took up most of my time, along with work and some other projects. I still hope to get back on here and get this built up to what I envisioned it to be.
Check out Our Clan info here.
My main/first account – Smitty, is a maxed TH12 (Minus getting all walls from level 12 to 13.)

My second account – I created this one to be able to donate to myself when / if needed – Smittysan is a rushed TH12 only because it was strictly used for troop donations.
I wanted it to be ‘Smittysahn’ (My nickname from when I spent two years in South Korea), but it was taken at the time.

My third account – Created so I could have an account on my phone to play when I wasn’t at home – SmittyPhone is a maxed TH10.

My fourth account – Created because…???? Who knows… It was created shortly after they came out with SuperCell IDs – I could put all my accounts onto one device. – SmittyMini is a brand new TH10.

My fifth account – Created because… SuperCell IDs let you have multiple accounts on one device, so why not another one… – SmittyMiniMe is a fairly new TH9.

My sixth account – Created (10/28/2019) because… Well, as I was building this site and putting together information for the Goblin Maps, I noticed that much of the information online was a little outdated or just inaccurate regarding how much loot you can get and what troops you can use for each Goblin Village. So to get more accurate information, I just created a brand new account to get a ton of screenshots and collect information from a new account.
And boy, did I get some screenshots, virtually everything. I think I will make a page or post dedicated to what it looks like to start a brand-new account. I know that as updates come along, this information may change or become outdated, and I will have to keep it up to date the best I can. DPirateSmitty (Short for Dread Pirate Smitty, if you know that movie reference…) is currently a very rushed TH5, only because it was very easy and quick to get there by just putting everything out and making attacks at a much lower level is very easy when you have been playing for… 6.. ish.. years now. Not only that, but you can’t do much of anything until you reach higher levels.
- Joining a Clan Unlocks at Town Hall 3
- Clan Games Unlock at Town Hall 6
- Season Challenges Unlock at Town Hall Level 7
- The Trader arrives at Town Hall Level 8
So, based on that information, I will probably get DPirateSmitty to at least Town Hall level 7 or 8 and call it good. (I say that now… So we’ll see.)

My girlfriend’s first account – I took over this one at TH9 when she started her second account, H2x2. – H2 is a maxed TH10.

My girlfriend’s second account – Created on her phone and she ended up attacking better from her phone, so I took over her first account when it was a TH9. Then I took over this account when it was at TH9, and she had started her third account, H2x3. – H2x2 is a maxed TH10.

My girlfriend’s third account – Created by accident (sort of) when we were trying to get the Supercell ID thing figured out. She ended up keeping it, and H2x3 has become her main account, and I have taken over H2 & H2x2 accounts. – H2x3 is a brand new TH10.